Design for the future – What comes after smartphones?
Wendy Wu
Interaction Designer at Google Daydream
2017年人因工程研究生(Human Factors) 毕业后入职Daydream VR team. 过去三年里,曾参与数个AR/VR/XR 相关项目的交互设计.
– “VR已死”是真的吗?
– 多模态交互(Multimodal Interaction), 对话语音界面(Voice UI) 和 3D界面 (Spatial Interface) 的设计原则
– 硬件用户体验是什么What’s HWUX
– How to deal with ambiguity and design for the future?
主持: 大龙
协助:Xiaohan Wu,Brain Bi
Sponsor: UXOFFER
Slide 7: “XR Design Theory and Practice for Digital Eyewear” by Mike Alger
Slide 8: Making Multiplayer AR a Reality using ZED Mini
Slide 9: Dr. Grordbort’s Invaders by Magic Leap Studios
Slide 10: Dynamics 365 Remote Assist by Microsoft
Slide 11: DHL Order Picking on Google Glass
Slide 12: Reality-virtuality Continuum. Milgram, Paul & Takemura, Haruo & Utsumi, Akira & Kishino, Fumio. (1994). Augmented reality: A class of displays on the reality-virtuality continuum. Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies. 2351. 10.1117/12.197321.
Slide 13: Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
Slide 17: 5 Principle of Visual Design in UX by Kelley Gordon
Slide 22: Mixed Reality UI Concept by MDM
Slide 24: Human Dimension and Interior Space by Julius Panero and Martin Zelnik
Slide 25: Placement of content by Mike Alger
Slide 26: Proxemics relationship by Mike Alger
Slide 27: Headlocked content by Magic Leap
Slide 28: Launcher and apps by Magic Leap
Slide 30-36: Designing Screen Interfaces for VR (Google I/O ’17)
Slide 38-42: AR design guidelines by Google ARcore
Slide 43: Play Area set up by Oculus Quest
Slide 47: HTC Vive setup instructional graphic
Slide 48: Oculus Quest
Slide 52: Beat Saber by BEAT GAMES
Slide 60: Earcon the new icon by Aditi Agarwal
Slide 64: Conversation Design – Google’s design guide for creating Voice Interfaces
Slide 68: Video: Ted Nelson was on radio, explaining why we need home computers.